
(Hraunfjörður Lake)
Hraunsfjarðarvatn is located at the Snæfellsnes peninsula in the western part of Iceland.
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:
Distance from Reykjavik is approx. 200 km. and about 15 km from Grundarfjorður and Stykkishólmur to the north. Snæfellsnes´ new highway makes it possible to drive to the neighboring Baulárvallavatn. From that point it takes about 15 minutes’ walk to Hraunsfjarðarvatn, or just a moment by a 4-wd vehicle.
Practical information:
The lake covers an area of 2, 5 km2 and goes down to 84 meters at the deepest point. The lake lies at 207 m above sea level. From the lake the Vatnaá River runs to Baulárvallavatn.
Fishing area
No restrictions:
Camping is free of charge; however there are no toilets or any other hygiene facilities.
Fishing potential:
There is an excellent prospect for brown trout fishing. The average size of an individual catch is about 2-3 pounds. In the twilight zone we have experienced larger catch, all up to 5-6 pounds.
Daily opening hours
Fishing is allowed from dawn to dusk
Fishing is allowed from spring to September 30th.
All bait is allowed: fly, worm and lure.
The fish can lay very deep in the water so it is better to let the bait sink very deep. Lure and worm normally work very well. In the twilight zone however, the brown trout goes to the shallow waters, where fly fishing should be recommended.
Best time of the year
The catch is consistent all season. The twilight zone is the best time of the day.
Littering is forbidden. Cardholders can go directly to fish but please have Veiðikortið an appropriate ID handy. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.
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