(Lake Sléttuhlíð)
Sléttuhlíðarvatn is located by Highway 76, north of Hofsós and about 30 minutes drive from Siglufjörður.
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township
Distance from Reykjavík is 360 km, 21 km from Hofsós and 50 km from Sauðárkrókur.
Practical information
The lake covers an area of 0, 76 km2 and rises to 14 m above sea level.
Fishing area
Fishing is only allowed on the property of the Hraun farm, marked with signs.
Organized camping area will be ready summer 2021 where cardholders can buy access to. There is also possible to rent að fishing cabin. Please contact landlord.
Fishing potential
Sea char and brown trout are both found in abundance.
Daily opening hours
Fishing is allowed from 08:00 am – 08:00 pm
May 1st to September 20th.
All bait is allowed: fly, worm and lure.
Best time of the year
The peak season is in May and June. Fishing is actually very good all summer.
Littering is forbidden. Cardholders must sign up at Hraun and show both the Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.
Please contact landlord before driving on the property.
Landlord is not liable for anything that happens on the property while cardholder stays there.
Contact / landlord:
Magnús Pétursson, Hraun. Tel: (+354) 453-7422 and Mobile: (+354) 618-0402. or mph@simnet.is
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