
Location: GPS: 65° 12,760’N, 21° 19,228’W
Laxarvatn is located on Laxardalsheidi close to the farm Solheimar.
Practical information:
The lake is 0.5 km2. Laxarvatn is a small lake close to road no. 59.
Distance from Reykjavik and the nearest township.
Distance from Reykjavik is about 175 km and 30 km from Budardal. If you take the road called Brattabrekka, you just take a right turn just before arriving at river Laxa I Dolum. The turn leads you to road no. 59 (Laxardalur) You drive about 25 km to the the farm Solheimar. From the farm the lake is very close by. You can also take the Holtavorduheidi road instead of Brattabrekka. Check road atlas.
Fishing area:
You can fish the whole lake.
Camping is free of charge, however there are no toilets or any other hygiene facilities.
Fishing potential:
There is an excellent prospect for brown trout fishing. The average size of an individual catch is about 1-2 pounds.
Daily opening hours:
Fishing is allowed from dawn to dusk, but you need to register between 07:00-22.00.
Fishing season:
Fishing season starts around mid June when the roads are ready, and it ends 30th of September.
Fly, lure and worm is allowed.
Best time of the year:
It is equl fising through the whole fishing period.
Please register before attending to fishing at Solheimar farm and show the Fishing card and some ID. Littering and off-road driving is forbidden. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder. Fishermen will be given a emty report to fill in that must be delivered to the farm before leaving.
Gudbrandur Olafsson, Solheimar Tel. 354-434-1299 or Mob. +354-858-1961
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