

Ljósavatn is at Ljósavatnsskarð, Suður-Þingeyjarsýslu, to the east of Akureyri, the capital of Northern Iceland.  

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:

You drive eastward through Akureyri, in the direction of Húsavík.  The lake is situated approx. 25 km. from Akureyri and 415 km from Reykjavík, through the Vaðlaheiðargöng (Tunnel). 

Practical information:

Ljósavatn rises to 105 m. above sea level, covering just about 3.2 km2.  The deepest point is 35 m., with an average deep of 10 m.  
Ljósavatn has become increasingly popular, particularly among families, who like to combine camping and fishing. Highway 1 runs directly to the lake, and thus provides an easy access.
Ljósavatn has various tributaries, including Geitá and Litlutjarnarlæk. Djúpá is its main outflow.

Fishing area:

See map for restricted area in the land of Vatnsendi. 


Organised campsites are located near the lake. 
Permits can be bought at Sigríðarstaðir and Fosshóll.

Fishing potential:

Char and brown trout..

Daily Opening Hours:

No limits.


May 20th to September 30th.


All bait is allowed: Fly, worm and lure.

Best time of the year:

The best catch is early in the early season, particularly in May, June and early July.


Littering and off-road driving is strictly forbidden. Cardholders must sign up at one of the places of contact and show both the Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.


Sigurður Birgisson, Krossi, tel.  (+354)894-957  Kross  and Hulda Svanbergsdottir, Krossi  tel. (+354)868-1975.
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Location: Hnit: 64° 1.021’N, 19° 2.830’W

Frostastaðavatn is located at Landmannaafréttur in the central highlands and is the largest lake in the cluster of lakes located to the south of Tungnaá.


You should enter Landvegur (Road 26) off the ringroad (Road 1) at the Landvegur junction and drive as the crow flies until you reach a sign, pointing towards Dómadalsleið (Landmannaleið). You must stop at the Landmannahellir (Landmanna cave) where fishermen need to sign up in order to be allowed to fish in the lake which is about 15 minutes drive away. Travelling time from Reykjavík to Frostastaðavatn is about 2 hours and 40 min.

General information:

The lake is the largest within the cluster of lakes located to the south of Tungnaá. It is situated about 570 metres above sea level with an area of only about 2,5 km2. The greatest depth is just above 2 metres but the average depth is about 1 metre. This route is only passable to four-wheel drive vehicles. It is necessary to drive over tributaries on the way.

Fishing area:

The whole lake is open for fishing. The best catch is in the lava and the most popular spot is next to the parking lot. The lake contains large quantities of fish and thus it is ideal for fishermen to try other spots.


The tourist service in Landmannahellir is operated by Hellismenn (landmannahellir.is) and can also be purchased at Áfangagili (afangagil.is). Both of these places offer accommodation and an organised camp site with sanitation facilities.


The lake mostly contains artic char but also brown trout. Small artic char is the most common, actually quite common. This lake is probably one of the best fishing lakes for the young generation to surely catch fish. There are also sizeable trouts in the lake. The catch in numbers can be found at www.veidivotn.is


Daily fishing hours:

Heimilt er að veiða frá kl. 7:00 til 24:00.


Veiðitímabilið hefst um 20. júní þegar það er orðið greiðfært uppeftir og því lýkur 15. september. 


All bait is allowed, alive or dead, for the fish to chase and take. Only one type of bait is allowed per fishing rod. Fishermen can never use hooks to hook the fish unexpectedly. Small pupas and streamers are usually the best option but those who use spinning rods it is often better to use float and flies than other bait.

Best fishing time:

There is a lot of fish in the lake and it does not matter what time of day the fishing takes place but generally the best fishing is in the morning and evening.


Other information:

Frostastaðavatn is only one lake out of many to the south of Tungnaá. However, the Fishing card is only valid for Frostastaðavatn, but it is easy to buy permits in Landmannahellir for fishing in the other lakes as well. The cost, per fishing rod, is ISK 3,500 per day. Note that the entire lake area is nature reservation, and this ask people to be tidy and not cause any harm to nature and the environment.



Fishermen shall sign up for the fishing in Landmannahellir where they receive the permit and the fishing report to complete. The report has to be submitted in the Landmannahellir or into a labelled post box at the junction of Dómadalsleið and Hrauneyjaleið near Tjörfafell. You can also scan or take a picture of a fishing report and send it to info@landmannahellir.is.

Fishing shall be conducted from the banks and the islets are reserved. Children under the age of 14 can fish for free, accompanied by a card holder. Any violations of the fishing rules mean an instant abolition of all fishing rights, even to the point of having the fishing gear confiscated for damages, according to national laws on the fishing salmon and trout. It is not allowed to eviscerate or gut a fish at the banks of the lake, but rather at special facilities at Landmannahellir. Birds are conserved. Off-road driving is prohibited and within the reservation, camping is only allowed in designated camp sites.

Use of boats is generally not permitted but for exceptions such as regarding scientific research. Due to such research at these waters, fishermen are asked to note if any catch is marked by a plastic badge on the back. Such fishes need to be measured for length and weight, register the number on the badge and hand in that information to the guards at the Landmannahellir



The guards at Landmannahelli do poaching control and take care of issues regards the fishing, including giving additional information, if necessary.
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Location     GPS: 64° 5,365’N, 21° 45,688’W

Elliðavatn is located in the outskirts of Reykjavík and the neighbouring Kópavogur, within the boundaries of the Heiðmörk outdoor recreational area.

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township

The Elliðavatn is divided between the municipalities of Reykjavík and Kópavogur. The lake can be accessed from the Heiðmörk by-way, through Kópavogur and the Vatnsendi area. Accessing the Hólmsá river, a tributary to Elliðavatn, is through the Heiðmörk by-way on the way to the Gunnarshólmi by-way, or turn north at the junction to the east of Gunnarshólmi. One can also park the car near the Hólmsá bridge at the Suðurlandsvegur (Ring Road to the Southern Part of Iceland), near Heiðmörk, and walk either upstream or downstream.

Practical information 

Elliðavatn is the most popular fishing lake around the Reykjavík area. It lies 73 mtr. above sea level and covers about 1, 8 km2 and has the maximum deep of 2 metres with an average depth of 1 metre – as strange as that sounds. This lake has two main tributaries, the rivers of Bugða and Suðurá, which are the two streams of the unified Hólmsá river further inland.

Fishing area

Fishing is allowed in the lake itself, Elliðavatn, at the banks of the Elliðavatn and Vatnsendi properties, as well as Hólmsá and the Nátthagavatn lake further inland. Fishing in the Suðurá river is prohibited, as well as within the 50 metres limit from the Elliðavatn dam.


One can naturally seek accommodation in Reykjavík, there is however a nice guesthouse at Kríunes in the Vatnsendi property, very well suited for this particular purpose. For those who prefer to fish at Hólmsá, accommodation can be found at Gunnarshólmi.

Fishing potential

There is an excellent prospect for brown trout fishing, sea trout, sea char and even salmon. Trout has for a long time been the predominating species in the lake, however, sea trout is slowly taking over. Salmon and sea char enter the lake by the Hólmsá and the Elliðaár, even fairly large, or up to sex pounds.
Fishermen are asked to submit fishing reports to the Veiðikortið, www.veidikortid.is.

Daily opening hours

Fishing is allowed from 07:00 to 24:00.


The season starts on the first day of summer (mid-April) and ends at 15 September.


Only fly, worm and lure are allowed.
We recommend flies such as Tailor, Mobutu, Peter Ross, Black Ghost, Dentist, etc.

Best time of the year

The catch is consistent all season, but May seems to be the popular even if the catch is equally distributed between May, June and July. The best way of catching the sea char is very early or very late in the day.


Littering is strictly forbidden and also is. That goes for regular litter as well as issues such as fish offal and fish slime. We also urge cardholders to show a good example and pick up litter left behind by somebody else. Off-road driving is strictly forbidden, as well as  boating for whatever purpose, except with permission, such as from the boat rental at Kríunes. Private premises are not to be violated. Fishermen must respect the "three metres rule" wherever applicable.  Sea char marked for scientific purposes shall be reported to www.laxfiskar.is 

Contact / landlord:

Cardholders shall show the warden all necessary papers, including the Fishing Card and appropriate ID, if asked for. The Fishing card shall also be displayed at the front window of the fisherman's vehicle.
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Þingvallavatn – Þjóðgarðurinn

Þingvallavatn – national park

(Lake Þingvellir)



Þingvallavatn is located in Þingvallasveit in Bláskógabyggð. It's belongs to Iceland's most treasured national monument, Þingvellir. 

Distance from Reykjavík

The lake is situated approx. 50 km. from Reykjavík.

Practical information

Þingvallavatn rises to approx. 100 m. above sea level, with size of 84 km2 and max. depth of 114 m.   
The lake is one of Iceland's most popular fishing sites, with large numbers of regulars. 
Þingvellir and Þingvallavatn combine unusual natural beauty and Iceland's cultural heritage, Þingvellir being the site where Europe's first parliament was founded. See also: http://www.thingvellir.is/english
The lake is very cold so please wade carefully!

Fishing area

Cardholders are only allowed to fish in the National park, in the area between Arnarfell and Öxará, near Hotel Valhöll. Fishing in Öxará River is strictly prohibited. 
Maps and other information are available at the Service Centre, where cardholders are obliged to register. We like to stress that all fishing is prohibited in Ólafsdráttur between July 1st and August 31st.


Þingvellir is a popular summer resort. Camping sites are located in various places around the lake. Permits can be purchased at the Service Centre. 
Vatnskot is an exciting camping site, where one can also receive information concerning the best fishing grounds.


Þingvallavatn has a special affiliation to various types of fish. No other lake has as many species of char and its brown trout is quite particular. The Þingvallavatn char is usually rather large and every year hundreds of brown trouts over 10lbs are caught.

Fishing hours

No restrictions

Fishing season

From 20th of April to 31st of May then there is only flyfishing allowed and all brown trout released.  After that, from 1st of June to 15th of September, you may fish with fly, lure and worm. 
We like to stress, that all fishing is prohibited in Ólafsdráttur between July 1st and August 31st.


Only fly, worm and lure.   All other bait and synthetics is strightly forbidden. PLEASE NOTE FLY FISHING PERIOD FROM 20TH OF APRIL UNTIL 31ST OF MAY.

Best fishing time

The brown trout is most visible during the evening. The char is no respecter of seasons or times of day.  Please keep in mind that brown trouts bigger than 5 pounds are not recommended for consuming because of high volume of mercury (*hg) (quicksilver) so we recommed catch and release for the big brown trouts.

Special rules 

We like to stress the importance of keeping the place tidy. Littering is strictly forbidden. Cars and other vehicles must stay on designated roads.  Please leave your card on the window shield inside the car visible for the national park guards.


Guides and guards are stationed at the Service Centre and Vatnskot.
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Víkurflóð is located in Landbrot, near Kirkjubæjarklaustur by road nr. 204. Hotel Laki is located by the lake.

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:

Distance from Reykjavík is 260 km, but only 4 km to Kirkjubæjarklaustur.

Practical information:

The lake covers an area of 1,2 km2  and has the max depth of 3 m. 

Fishing area: 

Fishing is allowed everywhere in the lake.


One can purchace service and accomodation if available at Hotel Laki. Small cabins are also available for rent. 
One can purchase food and drinks at the hotel or Kirkjubæjarklaustur town that is only 4 km away.

Fishing potential 

The lake harbors sea trout and sea char, in addition to the more common brown trout and char. The waters of Landbrot are unique in many ways, including an unusual ratio of large trout and char.

Daily opening hours:

No restrictions.


No restrictions. Fishing is allowed all year around.


Only fly, worm and lure. Fly fishing is particularly promising. 

Best time of the day:

It is usually best to start fishing early in the morning or late at night. 

Extra curricular activity:

There is a golf course and various activities at Efri-Vík holiday resort, which makes a trip to Víkurflóð an extraordinary experience for families.  Further information can be found at www.hotellaki.is


Littering is forbidden. Cardholders must sign up at Efri-Vík and show both Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Off-road driving is prohibited. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholders.

Contact / Landlord:

Hörður Davíðsson, Hotel Laki, Tel: (+354) 412-4600  – www.hotellaki.is
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Vífilsstaðavatn í Garðabæ


Vífilsstaðavatn is located in Garðabæ, east of the Vifilsstadir, Hospital.

Practical information: 

The size of te lake is about  0.27 km2 and rise 38 m. above sea level. This lake is specially popular in April and May since it is close to the city and it opens early so often it is the first lake fishermen start their fishing season and check if all their fishing gear is up and running.

Fishing area:   

Please be careful with the birdlife.  Best area is normally the south part of the lake and also under the hill on the east side.  IT IS PROHIBITED TO FISH ON A SMALL AREA ON THE NORTH BANK – SEE MAP.


Camping is forbidden


Most common is to catch small char, but also brown trouts.  They are normally not big, but the biggest trout we have heard of recently is about 5 pounds.

Daily opening hours:   

Fishing is allowed from 8.00 to 24.00 every day of the week.


The fishing season starts 1t of April and it ends 15th of September. If you like to do some icefishing, you can ask about licence at the Gardabaer service center at Gardatorgi 7.


Only fly, lures and worm allowed. All other bait and grease strictly forbidden.

Best time of the year:   

Normally best fishing results are in May and June.


Vífilsstaðavatn and its surroundings is a nature reserve according to the Nature Conservation act since the 2nd of November 2007. The lake is in the ownership of the town Garðabær. Please respect birdlife.  Littering is forbidden and please note that no dogs are allowed in the area from 15th of April till 1st of July because of the sensitive birdlife.  Fishermen can go directly to fish but please keep your card handy for the landlord when he might check.  Boats including bellyboats and kayaks are not allowed.
Please respect the nature reserve and don´t throw away litter, fishing lines or hooks since it is very dangerous for the birds
Please note that one fishing card is only valid for one rod!


Linda Björk Jóhannsdóttir, tel. +354-820-8574.
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Úlfljótsvatn – Vesturbakkinn


(Lake Úlfljótur)



Úlfljótsvatn is located in Grímsnes-Grafningur in Árnessýsla, close to Iceland’s largest lake, Þingvallavatn, just a short drive from Selfoss, the main center of Árborg.

Distance from Reykjavik and the nearest township:

Distance from Reykjavík is about 70 km (or 65 km through Þingvellir) and 20 km from Selfoss.
The shortcut through Nesjavellir, where Reykjavik’s  geothermic plant is located, might be shorter, but the highways are recommended.

Practical information:

The lake covers an area of 2.45 km2 and rises to 80 m above sea level. The deepest point is at 20 m.

Fishing area:

Fishing is only allowed at the property of Orkuveita Reykjavikur, on the same side as the local church (west bank). 


Úlfljótsvatn is the National Boy Scout’s center and camping is usually available at their place, as well as access to recreational facilities (info at: www.ulfljotsvatn.is).  Hotels and lodgings are numerous in the vicinity, including hotels at Selfoss and Þingvellir.  Please also check at the Boy´s scout information center regarding accommodation.

Fishing potential:

Char and brown trout are numerous in the lake, with an average size of about 0.5 – 2 pounds.  The brown trout can be much bigger since it is the same type as in Lake Thingvellir, it can be up to 20 pounds.

Daily opening hours:

From 07:00 to 23:00.

Fishing season:

May 1st to September 30th.


Allowed bait: fly, worm and lure.  All other bait is strictly forbidden.

Best time of the year:

From mid-June to mid-August.


Littering and off-road driving is forbidden. Please keep you Fishing Card handy to show the landlord when checking. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.
The catch must be announced by filling out a special form, available at the Úlfljótsvatn farm. One must especially mention if one catches a fish that is marked “Veiðimálastofnun”.  Please respect the bird life in the area, that is most sensitive until mid-June.
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Lake Meðalfellsvatn í Kjós.



Meðalfellsvatn is located in Kjósarhreppur. 

Distance from Reykjavik:

About 50 km. Driving from Reykjavik.  Drive in the Hvalfjord and just before you reach the tunnel turn right.  Turn right to road nr. 461 that leads to the lake.

Practical information:

The size of the lake is about  2 km2 and 18 m deep where it is deepest.  The lake is 46 m above sea level.  To the lake runs river Sandsa and from the lake runs the famous Bugda that runs into Laxa i Kjos.  Both sea trout and salmon enter the lake through Bugda. 

Fishing area:

You can fish the whole lake, but not closer to Bugda than 50 m.  Please note carefully that fishing closer to 50 m range from Bugda river is strighly forbidden, and if fishermen are cought fishing there it might have consiquences like loss of fishing equipments and fees.


It is possible to buy accommodation near by, i.g. at Hjalli and Eyrarkot. Please see more information at www.kjos.is .


Most common is to catch small chal, but also nice brown trout, sea trout and salmon.  Salmon can be cougth from middle of June..

Daily opening hours:

Fishing is allowed from 7.00 to 22.00 every day of the week.


The fishing season starts 19st of April and ends 20th of September.


Fly, lure and worm is allowed.

Best time of the year:

From middle of June to middle of August.

Additional information:

Very good access to the lake and easy to go to from the capital..


Littering is forbidden.  Please have the Fishing Card handy when the landlord visit and check.  Free access for kids younger than 14 years.
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Eyrarvatn in Svinadalur


You can choose from three lakes in Svínadal in Hvalfjarðarsveit. 

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest town:

Distance from Reykjavík is about 82 km if you go through the tunnel under the Hvalfjord. The lakes are about 27 km from the town Akranes. For inhabitant from Reykjavik it it a brilliant idea to skip the tunnel (on highway 1) and drive the Hvalfjorður, that has a spectacular view.  That road only takes 15 minutes more.

Practical information:

The three lakes you can fish in is Geitabergsvatn, Þórisstaðavatn and Eyrarvatn. They are all part of a water system including the salmon riveer Laxá í Leirarsveit. Salmon can be cought in the lakes.  Lake Þórisstaðavatn is biggest of those three, 1.37 km2 and it rises 71 m above sea level. Greatest deepth of that lake is 27 m. 

Fishing area:

Fishing is allowed in all lake Þórisstaðavatn and Geitabergsvatn but only the north part of lake Eyrarvatn.  Please note that it is forbidden to fish close to the rivers. 


There is a nice organised camping area at the farm Þórisstaðir where you can buy access to. You can also rent summerhouse and a trailer there.

Fishing potential:

There is a good prospect for brown trout and char fishing. Occasional salmon are cought there though every year..

Daily opening hours:

Fishing is allowed from 7 am to 11 pm. After 20th of August fishing is only allowed until 9 pm in the evening..


The fishing season is from 1st of April until 25th of September..


Fly, worm and lure/spinners is allowed in the lakes..

Best time of the year:

The catch is consistent all season.


Very good access is to the lakes, especially Þórisstaðavatn and Eyrarvatn.  Those two are very convenient for families with small children.   


Fishing is forbidden in the rivers, Þverá and Selós. All traffic close to the rivers is forbidden.  Cardholders must sign in at farm Þórisstaðir and show the Fishing Card and appropriate ID. Children under 14 years are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.

Contact / landlord:

Jon Valgeir Palsson at the farm Þórisstaðir, tel: 842-6490. email: jonvalgeir@gmail.com 
Mjög gott aðgengi er að vötnunum og henta þau því mjög vel fyrir fjölskyldufólk og fatlaða.  Í næsta nágrenni má finna golfvöll, hótel, sveitakrá, hestaleigu, sundlaug og sölubúð.
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Geitabergsvatn in Svínadalur


You can choose from three lakes in Svínadal in Hvalfjarðarsveit. 

Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest town:

Distance from Reykjavík is about 82 km if you go through the tunnel under the Hvalfjord. The lakes are about 27 km from the town Akranes. For inhabitant from Reykjavik it it a brilliant idea to skip the tunnel (on highway 1) and drive the Hvalfjorður, that has a spectacular view.  That road only takes 15 minutes more.

Practical information:

The three lakes you can fish in is Geitabergsvatn, Þórisstaðavatn and Eyrarvatn. They are all part of a water system including the salmon riveer Laxá í Leirarsveit. Salmon can be cought in the lakes.  Lake Þórisstaðavatn is biggest of those three, 1.37 km2 and it rises 71 m above sea level. Greatest deepth of that lake is 27 m. 

Fishing area:

Fishing is allowed in all lake Þórisstaðavatn and Geitabergsvatn but only the north part of lake Eyrarvatn.  Please note that it is forbidden to fish close to the rivers. 


There is a nice organised camping area at the farm Þórisstaðir where you can buy access to. You can also rent summerhouse and a trailer there.

Fishing potential:

There is a good prospect for brown trout and char fishing. Occasional salmon are cought there though every year..

Daily opening hours:

Fishing is allowed from 7 am to 11 pm. After 20th of August fishing is only allowed until 9 pm in the evening..


The fishing season is from 1st of April until 25th of September..


Fly, worm and lure/spinners is allowed in the lakes..

Best time of the year:

The catch is consistent all season.


Very good access is to the lakes, especially Þórisstaðavatn and Eyrarvatn.  Those two are very convenient for families with small children.   


Fishing is forbidden in the rivers, Þverá and Selós. All traffic close to the rivers is forbidden.  Cardholders must sign in at farm Þórisstaðir and show the Fishing Card and appropriate ID. Children under 14 years are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholder.

Contact / landlord:

Jón Valgeir Pálsson at the farm Þórisstaðir, tel: 842-6490. email: jonvalgeir@gmail.com  
Mjög gott aðgengi er að vötnunum og henta þau því mjög vel fyrir fjölskyldufólk og fatlaða.  Í næsta nágrenni má finna golfvöll, hótel, sveitakrá, hestaleigu, sundlaug og sölubúð.
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