
(lake Þveit)
Þveit is located in Nesjahreppur, Austur-Skaftafellssýsla (South-East Iceland).
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:
Distance from Reykjavík is 450 km. and 10 km from Höfn in Hornafjörður, the principal town in South-East Iceland. The lake is located at Highway 1. The access to the lake is quite good.
Practical information:
The lake covers an area of 0,91 km2 and rises to 2 m above sea level. Sea char can be found there.
Fishing area:
Fishing is allowed on the property of Stórulágar, comprising about half of the lake.
Nearest hotel is Fosshótel Vatnajökli, only 2 km. away.
Fishing potential:
In the lake you will find brown trout and char, along with sea trout and sea char. The sea trout can be quite big!
Daily opening hours:
10.00 am -10.00 pm.
April 1st – September 30th.
Fly, worm and lure.
Best time of the year:
Spring and fall.
Fishing is only allowed on the property of Stórulag. No dogs are allowed at the lake and the use of boats is prohibited without permission from the landlord. Littering is strictly forbidden. Cardholders can go directly to fish but need to have the Fishing Card handy when the landlord might ask for it. Off-road driving is prohibited. Children are allowed, free of charge, if accompanied with adult cardholders. Please contact landlord before driving on the property.
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