Víkurflóð is located in Landbrot, near Kirkjubæjarklaustur by road nr. 204. Hotel Laki is located by the lake.
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:
Distance from Reykjavík is 260 km, but only 4 km to Kirkjubæjarklaustur.
Practical information:
The lake covers an area of 1,2 km2 and has the max depth of 3 m.
Fishing area:
Fishing is allowed everywhere in the lake.
One can purchace service and accomodation if available at Hotel Laki. Small cabins are also available for rent.
One can purchase food and drinks at the hotel or Kirkjubæjarklaustur town that is only 4 km away.
Fishing potential
The lake harbors sea trout and sea char, in addition to the more common brown trout and char. The waters of Landbrot are unique in many ways, including an unusual ratio of large trout and char.
Daily opening hours:
No restrictions.
No restrictions. Fishing is allowed all year around.
Only fly, worm and lure. Fly fishing is particularly promising.
Best time of the day:
It is usually best to start fishing early in the morning or late at night.
Extra curricular activity:
There is a golf course and various activities at Efri-Vík holiday resort, which makes a trip to Víkurflóð an extraordinary experience for families. Further information can be found at www.hotellaki.is
Littering is forbidden. Cardholders must sign up at Efri-Vík and show both Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. Off-road driving is prohibited. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholders.
Contact / Landlord:
Hörður Davíðsson, Hotel Laki, Tel: (+354) 412-4600 – www.hotellaki.is
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