(Lake Skriða)
Skriðuvatn lies in Skriðdalur, S-Múlasýsla, on the East Coast of Iceland.
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:
Distance from Reykjavík is 650 km, and 35 km from Egilsstaðir.
Practical information:
Skriðuvatn covers an area of 1,25 km2 and rises to 155 m above sea level, with a max depth of 10 m.
Its main tributaries are the rivers Axará and Vatnsdalsá. Múlaá is its main outflow.
Fishing area:
The property of Vatnsskógar (marked) as well as the eastern bank of Axará.
No organized campsite is available, one may however camp wherever possible at the Vatnsskógar property.
Accommodation can also be found at the towns of Egilsstaðir, Breiðdalsvík and Djúpivogur.
Fishing potential:
Brown trout and char are the most likely catch. Fishing in nets is prohibited.
Fishing hours:
08.00 am to 10.00 p.m.
Fishing season:
June 1st to September 15th
All bait is allowed: Fly, worm and lure.
Cardholders must carry the Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID on their person, ready for inspection at any time. Littering is strictly forbidden. Children under 14 are allowed for free, if accompanied by adult cardholders.
Ívar Björgvinsson at Vatnsskógum in Skriðdalur.
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