Lake Meðalfellsvatn í Kjós.
Meðalfellsvatn is located in Kjósarhreppur.
Distance from Reykjavik:
About 50 km. Driving from Reykjavik. Drive in the Hvalfjord and just before you reach the tunnel turn right. Turn right to road nr. 461 that leads to the lake.
Practical information:
The size of the lake is about 2 km2 and 18 m deep where it is deepest. The lake is 46 m above sea level. To the lake runs river Sandsa and from the lake runs the famous Bugda that runs into Laxa i Kjos. Both sea trout and salmon enter the lake through Bugda.
Fishing area:
You can fish the whole lake, but not closer to Bugda than 50 m. Please note carefully that fishing closer to 50 m range from Bugda river is strighly forbidden, and if fishermen are cought fishing there it might have consiquences like loss of fishing equipments and fees.
It is possible to buy accommodation near by, i.g. at Hjalli and Eyrarkot. Please see more information at www.kjos.is .
Most common is to catch small chal, but also nice brown trout, sea trout and salmon. Salmon can be cougth from middle of June..
Daily opening hours:
Fishing is allowed from 7.00 to 22.00 every day of the week.
The fishing season starts 19st of April and ends 20th of September.
Fly, lure and worm is allowed.
Best time of the year:
From middle of June to middle of August.
Additional information:
Very good access to the lake and easy to go to from the capital..
Littering is forbidden. Please have the Fishing Card handy when the landlord visit and check. Free access for kids younger than 14 years.
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