Kleifarvatn (and Mjoavatn 18)
Kleifarvatn and Mjóavatn are located in Breiðdalur (East Coast).
Distance from Reykjavík and the nearest township:
Distance is approx. 600 km. from Reykjavík and 75 km. from Egilsstaðir
Practical information:
The lake district, including Kleifarvatn and Mjóavatn, is located near Highway 1, near the village of Breiðdalsvík. Kleifarvatn covers about 1km2 and Mjóavatn about 0,15 km2.
Fishing area:
No restrictions.
Well equipped cabins can be rented. Booking must be made in advance at the place of contact (Tel: (+354) 475-6789 or mobile (+354) 896-4239). Camping is permitted at a designated place. No hygiene facilities are available at the campsite.
Fishing potential:
One can expect to catch medium size brown trout in the lakes.
Fishing hours:
No limits, 24 hours.
May 1st to September 30th
All bait is allowed: fly, worm and lure..
Best fishing time:
Rather even all day and night.
Cardholders must register at the place of contact, and show both Veiðikortið and an appropriate ID. There they will receive a report form to fill out and return after fishing. Littering is strictly forbidden as well as off-road driving. Children are allowed, free of charge, accompanied with adult cardholders.
Contact / landlord:
Gunnlaugur Ingolfsson at Innri Kleif. Tel: (+354) 475-6754 or mobile (+354) 858-7354..
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